Tuesday 11 December 2012

The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer...

... is by singing loud for all to hear! I haven't done a life update for a while so I thought I'd just let you all know what's going on in Efia land!

So this week I finish uni woohoo! But I have so many deadlines and an exam (a law exam at that) to revise for that I can't even celebrate. This time last year and the year before that, and probably the year before that I was considerably less excited about Christmas, if even excited at all, but this year things have changed.

 As soon as I finish uni I'm going down to my boyfriend's for a week and then we're both spending Christmas with my family. This will be our first Christmas together and like me (or like past me) he's not a big Christmas lover, and he would happily sit at home alone and pretend it was just like any other day. This Christmas will be different and he has no choice or say in the matter.

After I've consumed my weight in mince pies and Christmas dinner I'm going to London for a jazz night with some friends and my sister before heading off to Amsterdam to celebrate New Year. I'm going to have such a busy holidays and I know it's going to be great to see everyone and get away from Aberdeen for a bit (3 weeks!!) but I can help but feel that in the back of my mind all I'm going to be thinking about is uni and how much work I have to do...

What about you guys? How are you spending Christmas and New Year? Let me know!

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