Monday, 26 November 2012

All I Want For Christmas is... EVERYTHING!

Dear Santa,

This year I passed (and survived!) my first year at uni, successfully completed a three month internship and have been almost consistently employed since February so I would be grateful for a little reward. I'm not asking for much,  and an iPad with retina display would come in really hand for uni even though I have a great laptop - it's just a bit too heavy to carry around all the time. Especially when I go down south to see my boyfriend too.

As I'm finally building up a good make up collection I would be ever so grateful for some Real Techniques make up brushes, as even though I did just buy Body Shop and Models Own brushes a good blusher brush definitely wouldn't go amiss, just if you've got one spare on your sleigh though, I don't want to be greedy!

Now I don't want you to get the wrong impression Santa, I'm not a murderer, honest! But if you could get me a good, sharp knife I would love you even more than I already do. It's just that I only have one good knife and everyone in my flat uses it so I don't think it will stay sharp for much longer.

Do you have a Hollister in Lapland? Is that where you live these days? Or have you moved? There are loads of stories going round. The paparazzi and the fans must drive you crazy so I wouldn't blame you if you had, I only hope my letter still reaches you in time for Christmas. Anyway, if you have a Hollister I'd really love this tartan shirt and quilted jacket, although I do rather like the Levis bomber jacket too...

If you're stuck for ideas theres a few on my Pinterest board! Say hi to Rudolph for me, it's been a while since I left a carrot out I hope he's not too bitter about it. Thanks S dawg, lots of love....

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