Sunday, 6 September 2015

For the Last Time

Since graduating I've been pretty elusive about my life plans. Partly because I wasn't entirely sure what the hell I was doing myself, but also because I'm somewhat paranoid and didn't want to jinx my plans by sharing them with the world.

After months of stressing I'm relieved to say I'm going back to uni for the last time. I'd never ever considered doing a master's. My sister had chosen to go down that route and I looked on horrified as she began to spend more time in the library than her own flat. I'm talking going to uni in the morning and taking a RUCKSACK full of meals for the ENTIRE day into evening. In contrast, during my four years at uni I barely acknowledged the library's existence, and even during my final year only ever borrowed two books.

But something changed for me.

Whilst everyone around me was burning their papers in glee, I was storing them away just incase I'd need them again. When everyone was talking about the struggle in applying for jobs I was turning down offers and feeling guilty for passing up such incredible opportunities. I toyed with the idea of going travelling, but out of everything I considered nothing seemed to be "at the right time". I've since discovered there is no such thing.

During this time of uncertainty a friend mentioned he was going to study a masters I'd previously looked at, but never gone further than a few lines of the course description. In fact I'd completely forgotten about its existence. But ever since that conversation I was unable to shake the idea from my head. What if this was what I was looking for? And if I applied what did I have to lose?

I decided to apply and see what happened from there. Within the week I had been accepted on to the course (which by the way, for those of you interested, is an MSc in Digital Marketing) and it wasn't until someone else pointed it out that I realised it had given me something to be excited about again.

Unfortunately the excitement wasn't to last when I realised my course was not eligible for funding from the Scottish government. I felt like once again I was back to square one and it was devastating. I spoke with my sister and she completely overlooked this fact. She was delighted I'd been accepted to the course and at the time I felt like she was missing the point. It transpires she hadn't missed the point, but was able to see something in me that I didn't - the determination to make it happen if I wanted it badly enough.

After months of emails, meetings and applications last week I received the news I was desperately hoping for. I'd received one of the university's seven funded places meaning NO TUITION FEES! I still can't quite believe it and though I still have living costs to pay I'm going to take this as the amazing news it is and just run with it. 

What about you guys? If you've just graduated would you consider going back? What did you do after graduating or what do you plan to do? Let me know!

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