Sunday 9 August 2015

August Goals

It's been a while since I last shared a goal post, but it's something I'm determined to get back in the habit of.

Blog more often - Due to various blog breaks throughout the past year I've become somewhat complacent with consistently posting, which is something that honestly saddens me to think about as I approach the three year anniversary of my blog (birthday cakes at the ready!). That being said, there is still half of the year left to go and with a little more organisation and dedication on my part I fully intend to turn things around!

Pursue life after graduation - Since before my graduation I've had an idea of where I'd like to go next in my life, but have been keeping relatively quiet until things are set in stone. Hopefully within the next month I'll be able to finalise things and be able to share the next chapter with you guys.

Find a flat - I'm sure we can all agree that flat hunting is an absolute nightmare. It stresses me out to no end. However the past week few weeks my future flatmate/best friend/all round good guy and I have been really proactive with our hunt and feeling really optimistic we'll find somewhere soon. Cross your fingers for us!

Wake up earlier - After some inspiration from a close friend I have been taking it upon myself to get up earlier and so far it has been going really well. I am a huge fan of long lies and afternoon napping so maintaining this is going to be difficult, but I think the pay off will be worth it. Yay for actually seeing the sun in the morning!

Read some new books - I'm currently reading 'Feel the Fear and do it Anyway' by Susan Jeffers and it has reminded me how much I enjoy reading. Also scrolling through Facebook and reading about everyone else's lives has become a habit that isn't particularly healthy or productive so some new, physical material is needed.

Enjoy the last days of summer - It's so important to spend time doing things we love and with people we care about. Despite pretty much working full time now I fully intend to make the most of my remaining weeks of sunshine. Although saying that, living in Scotland there is a 99% chance those sunny weeks will be limited to a few hours between rainclouds. Such is life!

What about you guys? What do you hope to achieve this month? Or what have you already achieved that you're proud of? Let me know!

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