Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Life's A Beach

Walking down Aberdeen beach

Sorry. Note to self: must stop starting blog posts with apologies. Now that that's over with on to the good stuff!

I have been absent of late, embarrassingly so. In fact in February I went my first month ever without so much as an inspirational picture and I'm still hit with guilt wracked sobs every time I think about it. The truth is life doesn't slow down for anyone - even bloggers - although it absolutely should. From my incessant blog posts about work you might have gathered I'm very ambitious and goal driven and once I'm on to something that's it. So long Efia.

My most recent (I say most recent but I've literally been working on this since October) venture is something rather exciting and after all the sweat, blood and tears - literally I couldn't stop crying - it paid off and... I'M GOING TO SAN DIEGO.

Since October I've been applying to be part of the Saltire Scholars Undergraduate Internship Programme. Which basically means I was applying to be part of this incredible Scottish foundation who and I quote 'give undergraduate students with huge potential and ambition - most of whom may not otherwise have access to such opportunities - the chance to experience the working environment of highly successful firms or high growth entrepreneurial companies at home and abroad.' This is by no means an easy process - 1 application form, 2 speed interviews, 3 covering letters, 3 careers advisor appointments and 1 Skype interview, but the feelings of self fulfilment and excitement? They're second to none.

I'm heading out in June (visa application dependant) with three other interns who I'll be working with for eight weeks and then travelling with for two and half so if there are any Californian bloggers reading this please leave me some tips/hot spots to go to etc (baring in mind I won't be 21 yet gahh)!

In other life news I've recently finished an incredible six week placement with a local integrated communications company as part of my uni course and have just started back at uni working on a project for a fast-growing start up so it's all very hands on deck at the moment. 

This isn't to say I haven't been having fun too, but more posts about that later...

What about you guys? What are you up to this summer? Let me know!
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